Pet Portrait Small Business - Renewed Motivation

Pet Portrait Small Business - Renewed Motivation

As I sit here eying my computer I wonder why I lost track of this past year. How did 2024 go by so quickly, and yet I feel like I accomplished so little?

But I know the answer. I lost the heart, the motivation, the determination I once had in my business. After failing multiple times, investing in my business education only to regret it, and finding multiple reasons to complain. I'd lost my mojo, my desire to keep the business running.

Even though I wanted so badly to have a reason to close it up, to call it a done deal, it was part of our families income and we needed it. Drawing dogs and cats was something I had to keep doing to keep the roof over our head and food on the table. 

So I kept going. I dragged my feet through a foot thick of mud, called depression, and kept launching portraits and products hoping and praying someone would want them.

Finally, as the year came to a close, my husband was being let go from his job, and I needed to prove I could support us. So here I am, writing a blog post for the first time.

Sitting at my computer at 11pm editing my website, updating the prices, the images, and figuring out how to make the page more visible, more clickable to those looking for adorable and creative pet portraits.

My portraits create an ever lasting illustration of your fur baby to be enjoyed in the now, and into the future after your adorable furry child crosses the rainbow bridge ahead of you.

It was something I always knew, but didn't know how to phrase before. I love drawing, I love illustrating, I love having people enjoy the creations I make. So why not continue making custom art?

But bring more passion. No more excuses, no more waiting for something to fall in my lap. I can grow my small business on my own. I can be the force that takes it to the next level. I can be the person who supports our family, who saves enough money to open my own brick and mortar store in the near future. Not some day, by this summer.

This is my declaration to the world. I will grow my dog and cat portrait business to heights its never been before, because I love what I do, and I know I can do it.

I hope if you're reading this, that you know I'm serious about bringing you my best. The best artwork, the best style, the best hand printed custom dog coffee mug you've ever seen. I'll always bring my A game for you.

If this is the first you're hearing of Blackberry, my pet portrait business, then where have you been? You'd better jump on the train, because I'm not stopping!

Grab your own portrait, join my email list, or follow me on Instagram, but I know you'll want to stay up to date with what I've got coming next!!

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